Solaris man マニュアル
System Administration Commands                        zonecfg(1M)

     zonecfg - set up zone configuration

     zonecfg -z zonename

     zonecfg -z zonename subcommand

     zonecfg -z zonename -f command_file

     zonecfg help

     The zonecfg utility creates and modifies  the  configuration
     of  a  zone.  Zone  configuration  consists  of  a number of
     resources and properties.

     To simplify the user interface, zonecfg utilizes the concept
     of a scope. The default scope is global.

     The  following  synopsis  of  the  zonecfg  command  is  for
     interactive usage:

     zonecfg -z zonename subcommand

     The following resource types are supported:




         Directory inherited from the global zone. Software pack-
         ages  whose  contents  have  been  transferred into that
         directory are inherited in read-only mode  by  the  non-
         global zone and the non-global zone's packaging database
         is updated to reflect those packages. Such resources are
         not  modifiable  or  removable  once  a  zone  has  been
         installed with zoneadm.


         Network interface.




         Resource control.


         Generic attribute.

     Each resource type has one or  more  properties.  There  are
     also some global properties, that is, properties of the con-
     figuration as  a  whole,  rather  than  of  some  particular

     The following properties are supported:

     (global)                zonepath

     (global)                autoboot

     (global)                pool

     fs                      dir, special, raw, type, options

     inherit-pkg-dir         dir

     net                     address, physical

     device                  match

     rctl                    name, value

     attr                    name, type, value

     As for the property  values  which  are  paired  with  these
     names,  they  are either simple, complex, or lists. The type
     allowed is property specific.  Simple  values  are  strings,
     optionally  enclosed  within quotation marks. Complex values
     have the syntax:


     where each<value>is  simple,  and  the  <name>  strings  are
     unique within a given property. Lists have the syntax:


     where each<value>is either simple or complex. A  list  of  a
     single  value  (either  simple  or complex) is equivalent to
     specifyingthat value without the list syntax.That is,  "foo"
     is  equivalent  to  "[foo]". A list can be empty (denoted by

     The property types are described as follows:

     global: zonepath

         Path to zone's file system.

     global: autoboot

         Boolean indicating that a zone should be booted automat-
         ically at system boot.

     global: pool

         Name of the resource pool that this zone must  be  bound
         to when booted.

     fs: dir, special, raw, type, options

         Values needed to determine how, where, and so  forth  to
         mount  file  systems. See mount(1M), mount(2), fsck(1M),
         and vfstab(4).

     inherit-pkg-dir: dir

         The directory path.

     net: address, physical

         The IP address and physical interface name of  the  net-
         work interface.

     device: match

         Device name to match.

     rctl: name, value

         The name and priv/limit/action triple of a resource con-
         trol. See prctl(1) and rctladm(1M).

     attr: name, type, value

         The name, type and value of  a  generic  attribute.  The
         type  must  be  one of int, uint, boolean or string, and
         the value must be of that type. uint  means  unsigned  ,
         that is, a non-negative integer.

     The following table summarizes resources, property-names and

     resource          property-name   type
     (global)          zonepath        simple
     (global)          autoboot        simple
     (global)          pool            simple
     fs                dir             simple
                       special         simple
                       raw             simple
                       type            simple
                       options         list of simple
     inherit-pkg-dir   dir             simple
     net               address         simple
                       physical        simple
     device            match           simple
     rctl              name            simple
                       value           list of complex
     attr              name            simple
                       type            simple
                       value           simple

     To further specify things, the breakdown of the complex pro-
     perty  "value"  of  the "rctl" resource type, it consists of
     three name/value pairs, the names being "priv", "limit"  and
     "action",  each  of  which  takes a simple value. The "name"
     property of an "attr" resource is  syntactically  restricted
     in  a  similar  fashion to zone names: it must begin with an
     alphanumeric, and can contain alphanumerics plus the  hyphen
     (-)  and  period  (.)  characters. Attribute names beginning
     with "zone." are reserved for use by  the  system.  Finally,
     the  "autoboot"  global property must have a value of "true"
     or "false".

     The following options are supported:

     -f command_file                 Specify the name of  zonecfg
                                     command  file.  command_file
                                     is a text  file  of  zonecfg
                                     subcommands, one per line.

     -z zonename                     Specify the name of a  zone.
                                     Zone  names  are case sensi-
                                     tive. Zone names must  begin
                                     with an alphanumeric charac-
                                     ter    and    can    contain
                                     alphanumeric characters, the
                                     underscore   (_)   and   the
                                     hyphen  (-). The name global
                                     and all names beginning with
                                     SUNW are reserved and cannot
                                     be used.

     You can use the add  and  select  subcommands  to  select  a
     specific  resource, at which point the scope changes to that
     resource. The end and cancel subcommands are  used  to  com-
     plete the resource specification, at which time the scope is
     reverted back to global. Certain subcommands, such  as  add,
     remove and set, have different semantics in each scope.

     Subcommands which can result in destructive actions or  loss
     of  work  have  a -F option to force the action. If input is
     from a terminal device, the user is prompted when  appropri-
     ate  if such a command is given without the -F option other-
     wise, if such a command is given without the -F option,  the
     action  is  disallowed, with a diagnostic message written to
     standard error.

     The following subcommands are supported:

     add resource-type (global scope)
     add property-name property-value (resource scope)

         In the global scope, begin the specification for a given
         resource  type.  The  scope  is changed to that resource

         In the resource scope, add a property of the given  name
         with  the  given  value.  The syntax for property values
         varies with different property types. In general, it  is
         a  simple  value  or a list of simple values enclosed in
         square brackets, separated  by  commas  ([foo,bar,baz]).
         See PROPERTIES.


         End the resource specification and reset scope  to  glo-
         bal.  Abandons any partially specified resources. cancel
         is only applicable in the resource scope.


         Commit the current configuration from memory  to  stable
         storage.  The configuration must be committed to be used
         by zoneadm. Until the in-memory configuration is commit-
         ted,  you can remove changes with the revert subcommand.
         The commit operation  is  attempted  automatically  upon
         completion  of  a zonecfg session. Since a configuration
         must be correct to be committed, this operation automat-
         ically does a verify.

     create [-F] [ -b | -t template ]

         Create an  in-memory  configuration  for  the  specified
         zone.  Use  create to begin to configure a new zone. See
         commit  for saving this to stable storage.

         If  you  are  overwriting  an  existing   configuration,
         specify  the  -F option to force the action. Specity the
         -t template option to create a  configuration  identical
         to  template, where template is the name of a configured
         zone. Use  the  -b  to  create  a  blank  configuration.
         Without  arguments,  create applies the Sun default set-

     delete [-F]

         Delete  the  specified  configuration  from  memory  and
         stable  storage. This action is instantaneous, no commit
         is  necessary.  A  deleted   configuration   cannot   be

         Specify the -F option to force the action.


         End the resource specification. This subcommand is  only
         applicable in the resource scope. zonecfg checks to make
         sure the current resource is  completely  specified.  If
         so, it is added to the in-memory configuration (see com-
         mit for saving this to stable  storage)  and  the  scope
         reverts  to  global. If the specification is incomplete,
         it issues an appropriate error message.

     export [-f output-file]

         Print configuration  to  standard  output.  Use  the  -f
         option  to  print the configuration to output-file. This
         option produces output in a form suitable for use  in  a
         command file.

     help [usage] [subcommand] [syntax] [command-name]

         Print general help or help about given topic.

     info zonepath | autoboot | pool
     info [resource-type [property-name=property-value]*]

         Display information about the current configuration.  If
         resource-type  is  specified,  displays only information
         about resources of the relevant type.  If  any  property
         name-value  pairs  are specified, displays only informa-
         tion about resources meeting the given criteria. In  the
         resource  scope,  any  arguments  are  ignored, and info
         displays  information  about  the  resource   which   is
         currently being added or modified.

     remove resource-type {  property-name=property-value}(global
     remove  property-nameproperty-value (resource scope)

         In the global scope, removes the specified resource. The
         {}  syntax  means  1  or  more of whatever is inside the
         curly braces. You must  specify  enough  property  name-
         value pairs for the resource to be uniquely identified.

         In the resource scope, removes the given  property  name
         from the current resource.

     select resource-type {property-name=property-value}

         Select the resource of the given type which matches  the
         given  property-name  property-value  pair criteria, for
         modification. This subcommand is applicable only in  the
         global  scope.  The  scope  is  changed to that resource
         type. The {} syntax means  1  or  more  of  whatever  is
         inside  the  curly  braces. You must specify enough pro-
         perty -name property-value pairs for the resource to  be
         uniquely identified.

     set property-name=property-value

         Set a given property name to the given value. Some  pro-
         perties  (for example, zonepath) are global while others
         are resource-specific. This subcommand is applicable  in
         both the global and resource scopes.


         Verify the current configuration for correctness:

           o  All resources have all of their required properties

           o  A zonepath is specified.

     revert [-F]

         Revert the configuration  back  to  the  last  committed
         state. The -F option can be used to force the action.

     exit [-F]

         Exit the zonecfg  session.  A  commit  is  automatically
         attempted if needed.You can also use an EOF character to
         exit zonecfg. The -F option can be  used  to  force  the

     Example 1: Creating the Environment for a New Zone

     In the following example, zonecfg  creates  the  environment
     for a new zone. /usr/local is loopback mounted from the glo-
     bal zone into /opt/local. /opt/sfw is loopback mounted  from
     the global zone, three logical network interfaces are added,
     and a limit on the number of fair-share scheduler (FSS)  CPU
     shares  for  a zone is set using the rctl resource type. The
     example also shows how to select a given resource for modif-

     example# zonecfg -z my-zone3
     my-zone3: No such zone configured
     Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
     zonecfg:my-zone3> create
     zonecfg:my-zone3> set zonepath=/export/home/my-zone3
     zonecfg:my-zone3> set autoboot=true
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add fs
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set dir=/usr/local
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set special=/opt/local
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set type=lofs
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> add options [ro,nodevices]
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add fs
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set dir=/mnt
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set special=/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> set type=ufs
     zonecfg:my-zone3:fs> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add inherit-pkg-dir
     zonecfg:my-zone3:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/opt/sfw
     zonecfg:my-zone3:inherit-pkg-dir> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add net
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set address=
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set physical=eri0
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add net
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set address=
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set physical=eri0
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add net
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set address=
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> set physical=eri0
     zonecfg:my-zone3:net> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> add rctl
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> set name=zone.cpu-shares
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=5,action=none)
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> select rctl name=zone.cpu-shares
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> remove value (priv=privileged,limit=5,action=none)
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=10,action=none)
     zonecfg:my-zone3:rctl> end
     zonecfg:my-zone3> exit

     Example 2: Associating a Zone with a Reource Pool

     The following example shows how  to  associate  an  existing
     zone with an existing resource pool:

     $ zonecfg -z myzone
     zonecfg:myzone> set pool=mypool
     zonecfg:myzone> exit

     For more information about resource pools,  see  pooladm(1M)
     and poolcfg(1M).

     The following exit values are returned:

     0        Successful completion.

     1        An error occurred.

     2        Invalid usage.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Availability                | SUNWzoneu                   |
    | Interface Stability         | Evolving                    |

     zlogin(1), mount(1M),  pooladm(1M),  poolcfg(1M),  prctl(1),
     rctladm(1M), zoneadm(1M), vfstab(4), attributes(5), zones(5)

     All character data used  by  zonecfg  must  be  in  US-ASCII