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(はじめに) はじめに Solarisって・・・ SunのセミナーとSDC Solaris 10概要 資格(SCSA,SCNA) Solarisフォーラム 管理人に連絡 (Solaris基本) Solarisのインストール システムの起動と停止 ファイルシステム オートマウントとマウント パッケージとパッチ ユーザの追加と削除 ファイル権限(セキュリティ) バックアップとリストア CDE環境 プロセス管理/監視 (ネットワーク管理) OSIを理解してみる TCP/IPの設定 (TCP/IP入門) DNSの設定 NISの設定 NFSの設定(WebNFS,CacheFS) (NIS、NIS+、DNS違い) DHCPの設定 1つのNICで複数IP設定 (IO関連) インタフェース概要 SAFの管理 プリンタ管理概要 プリンタコマンド SunSolve Online SCSI情報(KEY,ASC,ASCQ) (ソフトウェア関連) Bash Apache Solstice DiskSuite (SDS OSミラー回復) Veritas VxVM (OBPについて) PROM(OBP)の概要 OBPでのキーボード操作 一般的なOBPコマンド SolarisでOBPの設定 OBPに関するFAQ (トラブル時の対応) 基本情報 エラーメッセージ (主要メッセージ一覧) 性能関連コマンド トレースコマンド クラッシュダンプ SunSolve Online (その他) 小技集 UNIXコマンド (manマニュアル) システムチューニング ネットワークチューニング UltraSPARC T1について (FAQ) rootのPASSが不明 ハングアップかな? ハードトラブル OSが起動しない(b) swap領域の拡張方法 (リンク) Sun関連リンク その他リンク アバウトなJava入門 Perlメモ(逆引き用) |
System Administration Commands apache(1M) NAME apache - Apache hypertext transfer protocol server overview DESCRIPTION apache consists of a main server daemon, loadable server modules, some additional support utilities, configuration files, and documentation. FILES The apache HTTPD server is integrated with Solaris. The following files specify the installation locations for apache: /etc/apache Contains server configuration files. A newly-installed server must be manually configured before use. Typ- ically this involves copying httpd.conf-example to the httpd.conf file and making local configuration adjustments. /usr/apache/bin Contains the httpd executable as well as other utility programs. /usr/apache/htdocs Contains the Apache manual in HTML format. This documentation is acces- sible by way of a link on the server test page that gets installed upon fresh installation. /usr/apache/include Contains the Apache header files, which are needed for building vari- ous optional server extensions with apxs(8) /usr/apache/jserv Contains documention for the mod_jserv java servlet module. Docu- mention can be read with a web browser using the url: file:/usr/apache/jserv/docs/index.html /usr/apache/libexec Contains loadable modules (DSOs) supplied with the server. Any modules which are added using apxs(8)are also copied into this directory. /usr/apache/man Contains man pages for the server, utility programs, and mod_perl. Add this directory to your MANPATH to read the Apache man pages. See NOTES. /usr/apache/perl5 Contains the modules and library files used by the mod_perl extension to Apache. /var/apache/cgi-bin Default location for the CGI scripts. This can be changed by altering the httpd.conf file and restarting the server. /var/apache/htdocs Default document root. This can be changed by altering the httpd.conf file and restarting the server. /var/apache/icons Icons used by the server. This normally shouldn't need to be changed. /var/apache/logs Contains server log files. The formats, names, and locations of the files in this directory can be altered by various configuration directives in the httpd.conf file. /var/apache/proxy Directory used to cache pages if the caching feature of mod_proxy is enabled in the httpd.conf file. The location of the cache can also be changed by changing the proxy configuration in the httpd.conf file. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWapchr | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | | SUNWapchu | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | | SUNWapchd | |_____________________________|_____________________________| SEE ALSO attributes(5) http://www.apache.org NOTES In addition to the documentation and man pages included with Solaris, more information is available at http://www.apache.org The Apache man pages are provided with the programming modules. To view the manual pages for the Apache modules with the man command, add /usr/apache/man to the MANPATH environment variable. See man(1) for more information. Running catman(1M) on the Apache manual pages is not sup- ported. |
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