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System Administration Commands cpustat(1M) USAGE A closely related utility, cputrack(1), can be used to moni- tor the behavior of individual applications with little or no interference from other activities on the system. The cpustat utility must be run by the super-user, as there is an intrinsic conflict between the use of the CPU perfor- mance counters system-wide by cpustat and the use of the CPU performance counters to monitor an individual process (for example, by cputrack.) Once any instance of this utility has started, no further per-process or per-LWP use of the counters is allowed until the last instance of the utility terminates. The times printed by the command correspond to the wallclock time when the hardware counters were actually sampled, instead of when the program told the kernel to sample them. The time is derived from the same timebase as gethrtime(3C). The processor cycle counts enabled by the -t option always apply to both user and system modes, regardless of the set- tings applied to the performance counter registers. On some hardware platforms running in system mode using the "sys" token, the counters are implemented using 32-bit registers. While the kernel attempts to catch all overflows to synthesize 64-bit counters, because of hardware implemen- tation restrictions, overflows can be lost unless the sam- pling interval is kept short enough. The events most prone to wrap are those that count processor clock cycles. If such an event is of interest, sampling should occur frequently so that less than 4 billion clock cycles can occur between sam- ples. The output of cpustat is designed to be readily parseable by nawk(1) and perl(1), thereby allowing performance tools to be composed by embedding cpustat in scripts. Alternatively, tools can be constructed directly using the same APIs that cpustat is built upon using the facilities of libcpc(3LIB). See cpc(3CPC). The cpustat utility only monitors the CPUs that are accessi- ble to it in the current processor set. Thus, several instances of the utility can be running on the CPUs in dif- ferent processor sets. See psrset(1M) for more information about processor sets. Because cpustat uses LWPs bound to CPUs, the utility might have to be terminated before the configuration of the relevant processor can be changed. EXAMPLES SPARC Example 1: Measuring External Cache References and Misses The following example measures misses and references in the external cache. These occur while the processor is operating in user mode on an UltraSPARC machine. example% cpustat -c EC_ref,EC_misses 1 3 time cpu event pic0 pic1 1.008 0 tick 69284 1647 1.008 1 tick 43284 1175 2.008 0 tick 179576 1834 2.008 1 tick 202022 12046 3.008 0 tick 93262 384 3.008 1 tick 63649 1118 3.008 2 total 651077 18204 x86 Example 2: Measuring Branch Prediction Success on Pentium 4 The following example measures branch mispredictions and total branch instructions in user and system mode on a Pen- tium 4 machine. example% cpustat -c \ pic12=branch_retired,emask12=0x4,pic14=branch_retired,\ emask14=0xf,sys 1 3 time cpu event pic12 pic14 1.010 1 tick 458 684 1.010 0 tick 305 511 2.010 0 tick 181 269 2.010 1 tick 469 684 3.010 0 tick 182 269 3.010 1 tick 468 684 3.010 2 total 2063 3101 WARNINGS By running the cpustat command, the super-user forcibly invalidates all existing performance counter context. This can in turn cause all invocations of the cputrack command, and other users of performance counter context, to exit prematurely with unspecified errors. If cpustat is invoked on a system that has CPU performance counters which are not supported by Solaris, the following message appears: cpustat: cannot access performance counters - Operation not applicable This error message implies that cpc_open() has failed and is documented in cpc_open(3CPC). Review this documentation for more information about the problem and possible solutions. If a short interval is requested, cpustat might not be able to keep up with the desired sample rate. In this case, some samples might be dropped. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | VALUE | | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWcpcu | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Interface Stability | Evolving | |_____________________________|_____________________________| SEE ALSO cputrack(1), nawk(1), perl(1), iostat(1M), prstat(1M), psrset(1M), vmstat(1M), cpc(3CPC), cpc_open(3CPC), cpc_bind_cpu(3CPC), gethrtime(3C), strtoll(3C), libcpc(3LIB), attributes(5) NOTES When cpustat is run on a Pentium 4 with HyperThreading enabled, a CPC set is bound to only one logical CPU of each physical CPU. See cpc_bind_cpu(3CPC). |
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