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System Administration Commands fmthard(1M) NAME fmthard - populate label on hard disks SYNOPSIS SPARC fmthard -d data | -n volume_name | -s datafile [-i] /dev/rdsk/c? [t?] d?s2 x86 fmthard -d data | -n volume_name | -s datafile [-i] [- p pboot] [-b bootblk] /dev/rdsk/c? [t?] d?s2 DESCRIPTION The fmthard command updates the VTOC (Volume Table of Con- tents) on hard disks and, on x86 systems, adds boot informa- tion to the Solaris fdisk partition. One or more of the options -s datafile, -d data, or -n volume_name must be used to request modifications to the disk label. To print disk label contents, see prtvtoc(1M). The /dev/rdsk/c?[t?]d ?s2 file must be the character special file of the device where the new label is to be installed. On x86 systems, fdisk(1M) must be run on the drive before fmthard. If you are using an x86 system, note that the term ``parti- tion'' in this page refers to slices within the x86 fdisk partition on x86 machines. Do not confuse the partitions created by fmthard with the partitions created by fdisk. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d data The data argument of this option is a string representing the informa- tion for a particular partition in the current VTOC. The string must be of the format part:tag:flag:start:size where part is the partition number, tag is the ID TAG of the partition, flag is the set of permission flags, start is the starting sector number of the partition, and size is the number of sectors in the partition. See the description of the datafile below for more information on these fields. -i This option allows the command to create the desired VTOC table, but prints the information to standard output instead of modifying the VTOC on the disk. -n volume_name This option is used to give the disk a volume_name up to 8 characters long. -s datafile This option is used to populate the VTOC according to a datafile created by the user. If the datafile is "-", fmthard reads from standard input. The datafile format is described below. This option causes all of the disk partition timestamp fields to be set to zero. Every VTOC generated by fmthard will also have partition 2, by conven- tion, that corresponds to the whole disk. If the input in datafile does not specify an entry for partition 2, a default partition 2 entry will be created automatically in VTOC with the tag V_BACKUP and size equal to the full size of the disk. The datafile contains one specifica- tion line for each partition, start- ing with partition 0. Each line is delimited by a new-line character (\n). If the first character of a line is an asterisk (*), the line is treated as a comment. Each line is composed of entries that are position-dependent, separated by "white space" and having the follow- ing format: partition tag flag starting_sector size_in_sectors where the entries have the following values: partition The partition number. Currently, for Solaris SPARC, a disk can have up to 8 partitions, 0-7. Even though the par- tition field has 4 bits, only 3 bits are currently used. For x86, all 4 bits are used to allow slices 0-15. Each Solaris fdisk parti- tion can have up to 16 slices. tag The partition tag: a decimal number. The following are reserved codes: 0 (V_UNASSIGNED), 1 (V_BOOT), 2 (V_ROOT), 3 (V_SWAP), 4 (V_USR), 5 (V_BACKUP), 6 (V_STAND), 7 (V_VAR), and 8 (V_HOME). flag The flag allows a partition to be flagged as unmount- able or read only, the masks being: V_UNMNT 0x01, and V_RONLY 0x10. For mountable partitions use 0x00. starting_sector The sector number (decimal) on which the partition starts. size_in_sectors The number (decimal) of sectors occupied by the partition. You can save the output of a prtvtoc command to a file, edit the file, and use it as the datafile argument to the -s option. x86 Options The functionality provided by the following two x86 options is also provided by installboot(1M). Because the functional- ity described here may be removed in future versions of fmthard, you should use installboot to install boot records. The following options are supported: -b bootblk This option allows the user to override the default bootblk file, /usr/platform/platform- name/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk. The boot block file is platform dependent, where platform- name can be determined using the -i option to uname(1). -p pboot This option allows the user to override the default partition boot file, /usr/platform/platform- name/lib/fs/ufs/pboot. The partition boot file is platform dependent, where platform- name can be determined using the -i option to uname(1). ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWcsu | |_____________________________|_____________________________| SEE ALSO uname(1), format(1M), prtvtoc(1M), attributes(5) x86 Only fdisk(1M), installboot(1M) NOTES Special care should be exercised when overwriting an exist- ing VTOC, as incorrect entries could result in current data being inaccessible. As a precaution, save the old VTOC. For disks under one terabyte, fmthard cannot write a VTOC on an unlabeled disk. Use format(1M) for this purpose. |
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