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System Administration Commands kstat(1M) NAME kstat - display kernel statistics SYNOPSIS kstat [-lpq] [-T u | d ] [-c class] [-m module] [-i instance] [-n name] [-s statistic] [interval [count]] kstat [-lpq] [-T u | d ] [-c class] [module:instance:name:statistic...] [interval [count]] DESCRIPTION The kstat utility examines the available kernel statistics, or kstats, on the system and reports those statistics which match the criteria specified on the command line. Each matching statistic is printed with its module, instance, and name fields, as well as its actual value. Kernel statistics may be published by various kernel subsys- tems, such as drivers or loadable modules; each kstat has a module field that denotes its publisher. Since each module may have countable entities (such as multiple disks associ- ated with the sd(7D) driver) for which it wishes to report statistics, the kstat also has an instance field to index the statistics for each entity; kstat instances are numbered starting from zero. Finally, the kstat is given a name unique within its module. Each kstat may be a special kstat type, an array of name- value pairs, or raw data. In the name-value case, each reported value is given a label, which we refer to as the statistic. Known raw and special kstats are given statistic labels for each of their values by kstat; thus, all pub- lished values can be referenced as module:instance:name:statistic. When invoked without any module operands or options, kstat will match all defined statistics on the system. Example invocations are provided below. All times are displayed as fractional seconds since system boot. OPTIONS The tests specified by the following options are logically ANDed, and all matching kstats will be selected. A regular expression containing shell metacharacters must be protected from the shell by enclosing it with the appropriate quotes. The argument for the -c, -i, -m, -n, and -s options may be specified as a shell glob pattern, or a Perl regular expres- sion enclosed in '/' characters. -c class Displays only kstats that match the speci- fied class. class is a kernel-defined string which classifies the "type" of the kstat. -i instance Displays only kstats that match the speci- fied instance. -l Lists matching kstat names without display- ing values. -m module Displays only kstats that match the speci- fied module. -n name Displays only kstats that match the speci- fied name. -p Displays output in parseable format. All example output in this document is given in this format. If this option is not speci- fied, kstat produces output in a human- readable, table format. -q Displays no output, but return appropriate exit status for matches against given cri- teria. -s statistic Displays only kstats that match the speci- fied statistic. -T d | u Displays a time stamp before each statistics block, either in ctime(3C) format ('d') or as an alphanumeric representation of the value returned by time(2) ('u'). OPERANDS The following operands are supported: module:instance:name:statistic Alternate method of specify- ing module, instance, name, and statistic as described above. Each of the module, instance, name, or statistic specifiers may be a shell glob pattern or a Perl regu- lar expression enclosed by '/' characters. It is possi- ble to use both specifier types within a single operand. Leaving a specifier empty is equivalent to using the '*' glob pattern for that specifier. interval The number of seconds between reports. count The number of reports to be printed. EXAMPLES In the following examples, all the command lines in a block produce the same output, as shown immediately below. The exact statistics and values will of course vary from machine to machine. Example 1: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p -m unix -i 0 -n system_misc -s 'avenrun*' example$ kstat -p -s 'avenrun*' example$ kstat -p 'unix:0:system_misc:avenrun*' example$ kstat -p ':::avenrun*' example$ kstat -p ':::/^avenrun_\d+min$/' unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 3 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 4 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 2 Example 2: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p -m cpu_stat -s 'intr*' example$ kstat -p cpu_stat:::/^intr/ cpu_stat:0:cpu_stat0:intr 29682330 cpu_stat:0:cpu_stat0:intrblk 87 cpu_stat:0:cpu_stat0:intrthread 15054222 cpu_stat:1:cpu_stat1:intr 426073 cpu_stat:1:cpu_stat1:intrblk 51 cpu_stat:1:cpu_stat1:intrthread 289668 cpu_stat:2:cpu_stat2:intr 134160 cpu_stat:2:cpu_stat2:intrblk 0 cpu_stat:2:cpu_stat2:intrthread 131 cpu_stat:3:cpu_stat3:intr 196566 cpu_stat:3:cpu_stat3:intrblk 30 cpu_stat:3:cpu_stat3:intrthread 59626 Example 3: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p :::state ':::avenrun*' example$ kstat -p :::state :::/^avenrun/ cpu_info:0:cpu_info0:state on-line cpu_info:1:cpu_info1:state on-line cpu_info:2:cpu_info2:state on-line cpu_info:3:cpu_info3:state on-line unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 4 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 10 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 3 Example 4: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p 'unix:0:system_misc:avenrun*' 1 3 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 15 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 11 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 21 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 15 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 11 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 21 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 15 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 11 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 21 Example 5: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p -T d 'unix:0:system_misc:avenrun*' 5 2 Thu Jul 22 19:39:50 1999 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 12 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 0 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 11 Thu Jul 22 19:39:55 1999 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 12 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 0 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 11 Example 6: Using the kstat Command example$ kstat -p -T u 'unix:0:system_misc:avenrun*' 932668656 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min 14 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min 5 unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min 18 EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 One or more statistics were matched. 1 No statistics were matched. 2 Invalid command line options were specified. 3 A fatal error occurred. FILES /dev/kstat kernel statistics driver ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWcsu | |_____________________________|_____________________________| SEE ALSO sh(1), time(2), ctime(3C)gmatch(3GEN), kstat(3KSTAT), attri- butes(5), kstat(7D), sd(7D), kstat(9S) NOTES If the pattern argument contains glob or Perl RE metacharac- ters which are also shell metacharacters, it will be necessary to enclose the pattern with appropriate shell quotes. |
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